Friday 17 July 2009

on xbla turtles

V: check video folder
V: for turtles in time preview
A: cool
A: loved that game
A: used to rinse it as a kid
V: thought you might be interested
A: hmmmmm
A: not sure i like it
V: oh
A: not sure it will work on a 3D plain
A: 8 way movement
A: so far no side scroller has worked in 3D
A: which is why castle crashers was so popular
A: it went back to the 2-D plain
V: its just 3d characters tho isn't it?
V: its still running in a 2d plane
A: no
A: you can move back and forth
A: and attack in 8 directions
V: same as castle crashers
V: and same as golden axe
A: not quite
V: really?
A: thats 2-D movement
V: wrong dude
V: you can attack in 4 directions
V: and move in 8
V: 8 just like the original
V: i just watched it again
V: the difference
V: is the 4 attack
V: instead of previous 2
V: all else is the same
V: previous 2 = left and right
V: "... movement same as original 8 directions and has not received analog update to go with updated graphics ..."
A: guess we gotta play it to see
V: well
V: i'm only telling you what the voice over said
V: its still not moving any different to the original
A: i think it moves too fast
V: but thats not what you complained about earlier
V: you said it was "in 3d"
A: yeah it is
V: dude
V: seriously
V: wtf are you talking about?
A: who knows

Wednesday 17 June 2009

retrospectively speaking

on gaming:
V: you read that article on the great divide in games™
V: the difference between eastern and western dev and games and philosophies
A: yeah i read it
A: kinda
V: from reading that
V: i seem to be more like a japanese gamer
V: and you guys are proper western gamers
A: here we go
A: explain
A: mr slity eyes
V: oh
V: about what appeals to me
V: not saying that 1 is wrong or right
V: just that i like the colourful not-so-realistic games to play
V: i can appreciate top notch AAA games on the other consoles
V: but they don't interest me as much as the wacky shit
V: you know what i mean?
V: i love HD graphics
V: and i think there are amazing games on both the ps3 and xbox
V: but i like watching them
V: over playing them
V: i like reading about them
V: and the tech
V: but they feel (to me) like they are way too serious
V: (for my liking)
A: well
A: i was like you
A: but i been through that stage
A: long ago
A: katamari
A: okami
A: viewtiful joe
A: i appreciate those games
A: (killer 7)
A: capcom see the same way as me
A: they made those games
A: they appreciated them
A: but they didnt sell
A: so now they are moving on
V: so you've moved to where the sales are while i managed to move in to almost niche gaming?
A: no
A: i moved to games i enjoy
A: u play no more heroes for a while and suddenly u r an elitist
A:play some more "niche" games and come back to me
V: all i did was point out to you
V: what you said
V: and now you're getting angry at me
A: i am not angry
V: sorry that you contradicted yourself
A: wtf
A: ok
A: i did
A: but
A: seriously
A: some "hardcore" gamers
A: just say
A: ahhh you missed out
A: the like to think they are elitisist because they have played games that other people don't know about
A: whereas i can enjoy a game
A: if its a good game
A: doesn't matter
A: if its high brow low brow, whatever
V: you once said, "i can't play single player games on the wii man"
A: yeah
A: cause i moved on
V: man
V: thats another contradiction :S
A: hehe
A: but to me
A: its limited
A: by the hardware
A: i'll enjoy it
A: on a 4:3 composite
A: metroid is good
A: but it relies on immersion
A: and immersion requires technology


on god of war 3:
A says: you seen the new gow 3 trailer?
V says: yeah
V says: looks epic
A says: shame its not real time
V says: what you mean real time?
A says: in game
A says: its pre rendered
V says: er ... it is
A says: nah man
V says: dude
V says: didn't you bother to watch the interview with the director?
V says: and designer?
V says: all that stuff is game engine
A says: yeah
A says: that doesn't mean its in game


on metroid wii:
A: i am going to finish it
A: and enjoy it
A: but not as much
A: as if i pl;ayed it before next gen tech
A: like i said
A: i was hooked on prime 1
A: corruption is the same game
A: but with motion controls
A: and a 5 year gap
A: this is the truth
A: as a user
A: i can appreciate the work
A: and marvel at it
V: thats why it got such high scores
A: but that doesn't always lead to enjoyment
A: i have played many games
A: and saw the artistic merit
A: but in the end
A: i realised
A: they lack fun
A: not saying that applies to all arty games
A: i am gonna cite
A: shadow of the colususs
A: ico
A: rez
A: games that were held in high regard
A: that actually aren't much fun to play
A: to conclude
A: i have played a shit load of games
A: i win
V: wow you can really drone on non-interrupted for like fucking ever huh? :D
A: nah
A: i contradicted myslef many times
A: and now my head is going to explode


on super mario galaxy:
V: and also, i'll remind you that super mario galaxy won game of the year 2007 :D 8-)
A: yep
A: critics get too exicted
A: gta 4 case in point
A: 1st hand speaking with friends says mario galaxy is great
A: but not better than 64
V: so what man?
V: i didn't say it was better than 64
V: i said it was game of the year of 2007
V: i never mentioned anything else
V: keep it relevant son
A: yeah
A: i'm saying
A: i will always be comparing it to 64
A: when i am palyign it
A: that is a natural response
A: if u ever played that game
V: stop
V: stick to the topic
A: all reviews of galaxy
A: mention 64
V: i don't care about 64
A: read annnnnnnnnnnnny
V: so fucking what
V: about 64
A: review of galaxy
A: look man
V: it was game of the year of 2007
V: beating your "next gen tech"
V: thats my point
V: you are missing it
A: u just mentoned critcs opinion
V: like you miss everything else
V: stop talking about things that have nothing to do with anything i'm talking about
A: man
A: give me a second to make my point
A: ok
V: thats why it got such high scores
A: but that doesn't always lead to enjoyment
A: simple
A: it got game of the year 2007
A: that doesn;t mean shit
A: to me
A: i never played it
A: but i know the game
V: you never played it
A: well i have played it briefly
V: but you have a big fat fucking opinion of it
V: lets end this
A: because
V: because i don't buy any of what you're saying
V: and you're not buying any of what i'm saying
V: stale-fucking-mate
A: i am
A: nah i am
A: let me say one more thing
A: galaxy
A: in its own right
A: excellent game
V: :D
V: where's my gun
V: i need to shoot myself
V: omg
A: u, the user
A: will love it
A: thats user A
A: some1 who has never played the game that inspired it
A: me
A: user B
A: some1 who will compare it to "the greatest game of all time"
A: who experience of the game is tainted
A: because of expectation
A: and past experience
A: u see the point?
A: sf4
A: people love it
A: me
V: i'm so glad that you are not a games journalist :D
A: 3rd strike came before
A: man
A: read any review of galaxy
A: and they mention 64
V: so what you're saying is that cod4 is tainted because goldeneye came before it?
A: no
A: any fps that free radical made
A: was tainted by goldeneye
V: oh
V: so if sega made mario it would be ok?
A: basically yeah
A: because
A: i won't enjoy it as much as 64
A: even if it is a better game
A: but i will play it
A: eventually
V: so obviously you've never played SF2
V: because third strike is the best
V: and ruined SF4
A: ehh
A: i am not saying 3rd strike ruined sf4
A: its just a better game
A: i'm not saying 64 ruined galaxy either
A: just that COD4 is better
A: (rofl)
A: fukc it now
A: cant be bothered to make a coherant argument
A: u win
A: sun lunch?
V: yeah


on ps3/ign
A: i dont trust ign for shit
V: dude
V: fuck off
V: if you don't wanna read it
V: don't read it
V: wtf
V: and the mail said
V: for "ps3 owners"
V: which you are not
V: so you didn't even follow instructions :D


on asassins creed 2
V: i can't wait to see what assassins 2 turns out like
A: yeah
A: but
A: i dunno
A: they need more imagination
A: they got the talent
A: and the money
A: but shit all ideas


on not playing 1 player games
V: did we talk about dragon quest x coming to wii? will that make you play a single player game on it? :D
A: i doubt it
A: ncie try though
A: that will be hmmmmmmmmmm 3 more years
A: maybe 2
A: i doubt even you will be playing single palyer games on the wii by then
A: wanna try world of goo though


on halo 3/maths
A: 10.94 360's have been shipped worldwide
A: 10.94 mill
A: so thats like 80-90 % of 360 owners have halo 3
A: thats pretty fucking good man
V: what are you talking about
V: 27.65M
A: whoops sorry
A: didnt see time frame
V: lamer :D
V: so thats 33%
A: so 1 in 3
A: still good
V: :D
V: (rofl)
V: fuk off
A: eh?
A: thats really fucking good man
V: from 80-90% to 33%
A: yeah ok
V: and you say, "still good"
V: :D
V: (rofl)
A: it is
V: your kids will love you
A: obviously 90% is better
V: "did you get 80-90% in your exam alam jr?"
V: "no dad, i got 30%"
V: "oh, ok ... still good"


on atmospheric games
A: probably alien versus predator
A: a 10 year old arcade game
A: when did i ever say i needed new graphics to enjoy a game
V: you ALWAYS bring that up
V: you even did it yesterday
V: "you just can't go back man"
A: ?
A: you mean the wii
A: thats becuase of the resolution
A: not the graphics
A: the fuzzy res gives me a headache for the wii games that try to look good
A: i'e metroid
A: i can play wii sports np
A: because it suits the res
A: metroid just makes me feel a bit sick at times
A: have you ever considered playing it on psp?
A: i doubt it
V: killzone?
V: i owned it
V: yeah
A: payed money
V: i had bought killzone on psp when it first came out
A: did you enjoy it?
V: yes
A: well i'm glad
A: i doubt i would
A: but good for you

wii resurgence..?

A: i think nintendo need to go on a marketing rampage
A: really feeling a wii resurgance
A: in the air
V: resurgence?
V: when did it ever go away? :D
V: i've been loving it from day 1 :D
A: yeah, but the concept has finally come to fruition
A: so like andrew said
A: wii 0.5 has become wii 1.0
V: you're all full of shit
A: (rofl)
V: they just made a good console better
A: ok
V: and all you can do
V: is find ways to try and make it seem like less than it is
A: is?
V: you just have your thing with the 360
V: and thats that
V: you're not as open minded as you try to lead us to believe :D
A: let me run through my gaming cv
V: no no
V: don't pull that shit
V: i knew you would
V: but right now
V: you have a fixation on the 360
A: 1990
A: nes owner
A: 1993
V: look
A: snes owner
V: i know you wear glasses
A: 1997
V: but are you fucking blind?
A: n64 owner
V: i said
V: no
V: don't do that
V: i already fucking know
V: i've heard it enough times
A: then hear it once more
A: i got nothing gainst nintendo
A: you are the fucking zealot
A: you won't hear it any other way
A: its practically your religion
A: you might as well bow to a miyamoto shrine at night
V: alam
V: fuck off
A: good argument
V: there's nothing to say to you
A: what shall i call this religion
V: you're such an xbox humper
V: how can you say you got nothing against nintendo
V: when all you do is slag it off?
V: i offer you good games on teh system
V: show you that there's good software
V: and get told in return
V: that you can't play single player games on it
A: ok
V: because its only meant for party use
V: how is that
A: what do you want me to do
A: change my opinion
V: not having anything against nintendo?
A: to suit you
A: fucking nazi